Thursday, February 21, 2013

Meaning Signs Congenital Birth

? ha yo who ya got try to check the type of alert you as congenital birth may require medical treatment. The sign is a sign of congenital color on top or under the skin that appear at birth or shortly after birth. Some birthmarks disappear over time, but there is also increasingly apparent.

Birthmarks can be caused by more pigment in the skin or blood vessels do not grow normally. Most of these birthmarks are painless and harmless. But in certain cases, these birthmarks can cause complications. All birthmarks should consult a physician.

                                                                 Salmon Patches

Salmon patches are clumps of blood vessels that appear as small, flat and colored dice. This sign appears on the third newborn. Salmon patches can appear on the back of the neck, between the eyes, on the forehead, nose, upper lip, eyelid. Some of them disappear when the baby grows up, but the sign on the back of the neck usually do not go away. Type of sign does not need medical treatment.

                                                                Port Wine Stains

This sign begins with a flat shaped reddish colored at birth and gradually becomes darker and a reddish purple with age. Most will grow bigger and thicker too.

The birthmark is caused by the capillary vessels are dilated. This birthmark located on the eyelids increases risk of glaucoma.

Birthmarks may be a sign of abnormality, but usually not.

Birthmarks of this type can be treated with laser therapy, skin grafting.

                                                                Mongolian Spots

Mongolian spots are flat signs that the colors are not too bright and appear at birth. Usually found on the buttocks and lower back, usually blue, but can also be bluish black, or brown.

This mark may resemble scratches. Mongolian spots more common in dark-skinned infants. These marks usually disappear after school age but may never disappear entirely. Signs also does not require medical treatment.

                                                                Cafe-Au-Lait Spots

Birthmarks are soft and oval-shaped, color is light brown to brown from being. These marks are usually found on the body, buttocks, and legs.

This sign can be enlarged and the color darkening with age, but it is not considered a public health problem. However, some signs that tend to have large associated with neurofibromatosis and McCune-Albright syndrome. Consult your doctor if your child has several signs.

                                                          Strawberry hemangiomas

Hemangiomas is a collection of small blood vessels. Strawberry hemangiomas appear on the surface of the skin, usually on the face, scalp, back, or chest. This sign can be colored red or purple, can be flat or sharp form.

Signs usually appear a few weeks after birth. This sign can grow rapidly in the first year before receding around age 9 years. No special handling is required, but if desired, drug and laser therapy to be effective.

                                                              Cavernous hemangiomas

This sign appears at birth, directly beneath the skin and appears in the form of a collection of network-shaped sponge that contains blood and bluish. Signs usually appear on the head or neck. Some disappear at puberty.

                                                            Venous malformation

Caused by an abnormal shape and dilated veins. Although it appears at birth, but was not seen clearly until age children or adults. This sign appeared 1-4% of newborns.

These marks are often found in the throat, ears, tongue, and lips. This sign can also appear on limbs, body, also the internal organs including the brain. This sign will grow slowly, and do not disappear over time. Treatment may include surgery.

                                                              Pigmented Nevi (Moles)

Moles can occur when cells in the skin grow in clusters rather than spread throughout the skin. Moles can appear anywhere in the body, one or more groups.

Moles are usually flesh-colored, brown, or black. These marks may darken when exposed to sunlight and during pregnancy. Faded color can grow as adults and may disappear in old age. Most moles are harmless. However, moles can turn into skin cancer risk. Moles should be examined to see a doctor if:

    Change the size or shape

    Look different from other moles.

    After a 20-year-old

                                                              Congenital Nevi

Congenital nevi are moles that appear at birth. Skin texture can vary from normal to slightly tapered, or nodular to irregular. Can grow everywhere in the body and vary in size from 1 inch to sign kecilberukuran large sign that can cover half or the whole body.

Congenital nevi are small appear in 1% of newborns. Most moles are harmless. But congenital nevi, especially large, the doctor should always be evaluated because it has a tendency to skin cancer.

                                                        Dysplastic nevi (Atypical Moles)

Moles are usually larger than normal and irregular edges. These marks resemble moles have a tendency to become cancerous. The color can be a combination of pink, red, brown.

Moles are descendants of this type. Type this sign have a tendency to skin cancer melanoma. Ask your doctor to evaluate all moles that look unusual, enlarged, or a change from the usual.

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